two free & best stories for kids

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two free & best stories for kids




The Little Mermaid story for kids





My dear little friends! I’m gonna tell you the little mermaid story!

Once upon a time, far and deep in the ocean, where the water is shiny and blue, lived a sea king who had six mermaid daughter. Five of them were happy and cheerful while the youngest one was deeply sad and no one hadn’t seen her smile.

The little mermaid wanted to see the surface world! She loved to see green trees and blue sky. Because of that she always swam to the top of the ocean to enjoy the surface world’s view. She felt depressed when she couldn’t see the above world.

Georgios fish, beautiful shells and all the colorful creatures in the sea were always trying to make her smile but they usually failed. Even her father’s bedtime stories couldn’t cheer her up.

One night, the little mermaid swam to the top of the ocean when others were sleep. It was a stormy night and waves were crashing into rocks. The lightning stroke to a ship which was rolling in the ocean. The little mermaid saw a man beside the ship, signaling for help.

She swam and helped him quickly. She brought him to the shore and rested him on sands. The little mermaid fell in love with the young man in that short time. So she started to sing a song with his magical voice for the prince. And then she came back to the ocean.

She was so much in love with the young man that she couldn’t stop thinking about him. So he decided to go and visit the seashore witch and ask her to grant a wish.

The little mermaid wanted to dance and walk on the surface world. she wanted to feel the warmth of the sand. The witch. who was cunning and tricky, stirred her potion with an evil smile.

I will grant your wish! But I’ve got one condition! She said. I will give you the ability to walk and dance. But you’ll be no longer be able to talk and sing. If the prince doesn’t confess to his love for you in three days, your voice will be mine forever!

I agree! I accept your condition!




But let me tell you about the prince! He remembered one and only one thing about his rescuer! Her magical voice.

So my little friends, the witch transformed our little mermaid. After she transformed she went to the shore and sat on the warm sand where the prince was looking for her rescuer. prince didn’t remember our little mermaid:

The tricky witch who knew this, hid little mermaid’s voice in a seashell and hung it to her neck. Then transformed herself into a beautiful young woman! Then she started singing on the seashore. when the prince heard that magical voice, he was convinced that the tricky witch is her rescuer. so he decided to marry her!

But our little mermaid had many good friends! seals and fish! they decided to uncover witch’s evil plan! They attacked the witch and managed to break the chain of the neckless! Now it was the time! Our little mermaid got her voice back! She now could tell the prince who she truly was!

But on that moment, the sun set and the third day finished! Little mermaid’s legs turned into a tail and the witch grab her and took her into the deep water of the ocean!

The brave prince, who now knew the true story, went and followed the witch and battled her and defeated her!

But my dear friends, prince and little mermaid couldn’t be together anymore! Because little mermaid hadn’t legs anymore! She was really upset!

When her father, the mighty king of the ocean, saw his daughter in that situation, he knew just what he had to do. he moved his magic wand and gave her little daughter two legs!

Soon there was a big wedding on the royal ship! Our little mermaid said goodbye to her family and friends and left the ocean. Her and the prince lived happily ever after.


Source: moonzia



The Town Musicians of Bremen story for kids




My dear fellows, Today I’m gonna tell you the story of town musicians of Bremen.

Once upon a time, there was a man who had a donkey. His donkey had carried the corn sacks for many years. for him! Yes kids! He was a indeed, a loyal donkey!

But getting old, the donkey became weak and unsuitable for the job! So the owner thought to himself:

Should I keep this donkey or let him go?

Sensing the danger, donkey ran away from the farm and decided to go to Bremen.

Yes! I will be a great musician there! He thought.

He started his journey. He walked and walked until he reached a dog, lying on the road! The dog was gasping like he had just finished a long run!

What are you gasping for, dear friend?

OH! I got old and I can’t go hunting every day! said the dog. My master didn’t want me anymore! So I decided to run away! But, how can I find food?

I know what to do! I’m going to Bremen to become a musician! come with me. We can form a band together. I’ll play the Lute and you shall beat the kettledrum!

So the dog agreed! They were not far in the road when they saw a cat! He was sitting on the road, with eyes full of tears like the ocean!

Fluffy fellow! Why are you crying so hard? Asked the donkey!

How can I be happy when my life is in danger! I’m getting old! My teeth are not sharp anymore! I don’t wanna chase mice anymore! I rather sit near the fireplace and rest! So my mistress wanted to get rid of me! I escaped! But what am I gonna do now?

Join us! You understand night music. So you can be a member of our band! We are gonna be musicians of Bremen!

The cat thought really hard and decided to join them. The three runaways continued their journey and they reached a rooster who was cock-a-doodle-doing with all his might.

Your cock-a-doodle-do goes through and through my skull, said the donkey. What is the problem?

My mistress has guests tomorrow and he told the chef to cook a delicious soup with me for them! this evening I am to have my head cut off. Now I am cock-a-doodle-doing at full pitch while I can. The rooster cried!

Ah you feathery red headed friend! You better come with us and be a part of our band! We are heading to Bremen and become musicians! It is indeed better than death! You have a full pitch voice! Our music will have the best quality! Said the donkey.

So they moved further on, and soon saw the light shine brighter and grow larger, until they came to a well lit robber’s house. The donkey, as the biggest, went to the window and looked in.

What do you see, my grey horse? Asked the rooster.

What do I see? Answered the donkey. A table covered with good things to eat and drink, and robbers sitting at it enjoying themselves.

OH! That is just what we want! Said the rooster!

I wish we were there! Moaned the donkey!

Then the animals put their heads together and planned how to best win an invitation to come inside and join the robbers at the feast.

Come, come my friends, said the donkey. We are musicians, so let us sing for our supper.

They began to sing as best as they can. The donkey brayed, the dog barked, the cat mewed, and the rooster cock-a-doodle-do’ed.

Then they burst through the window into the room, so that the glass clattered! At this horrible din, the robbers sprang up, thinking this has to be a ghost, and they escaped in a great fright out into the forest.

The four companions now sat down at the table, pleased with what was left, and ate as if they were going to fast for a month.

As soon as the four musicians finished eating, they turned off the light, and each found a sleeping place according to his nature and fell to sleep. The donkey laid himself down upon some straw in the yard, the dog behind the door, the cat upon the hearth near the warm ashes, and the rooster perched himself upon a beam of the roof; and being tired from their long walk, they soon went to sleep.

A little after midnight, the robbers saw from afar that the light was no longer burning in their house. Appearing quiet, the boss said:

We ought not to have let ourselves be frightened out of our wits. You! Go and examine the house.

The man finding all was still, went into the kitchen to light a candle, and taking the glistening fiery eyes of the cat for burning coals, he held the candle to them to light it. The cat did not understand what he meant to do, however, and flew in his face, spitting and scratching.


Source: moonzia


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